Thursday, November 17, 2011

Turkey Spaghetti

Here is Ellie in last year's Turkey dress!  I love getting 2 years of wear out of her clothes.  We did this with a few of her pumpkin dresses from last year as well.

I had my camera on the closeup setting so this is a little blurry but I could not resist posting it anyway!

Who is this bald little cutie?  What a difference a year makes!

We had spaghetti for dinner last night.  Somebody LOVED it!

I am happy to report that I think the dreaded "molar monster" has finally left our house.  Ellie's appetite is something I have never seen from her and her rash is SO much better!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I found your blog from Caroline's list on Simply Smithwick. Ellie is such a cutie pie and I love her turkey outfit.
