Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This little "punkin"... 21 months old today!

I can hardly believe it!

Unofficial weight: 30 lbs. 5 oz.
Clothing size: 24 month, 2T and some 3T t-shirts
Shoe size: 6!  2T socks
Diaper size: 4
Favorite toy: Puzzles, babies, Barney, books, Elmo, coloring books and crayons
Favorite foods: Chicken nuggets, yogurt, apple sauce, string cheese, gold fish, mandarin oranges, occasional mac-n-cheese, newest food to try: pizza!

Taking your picture is actually a pleasant experience right now.  You say "cheese" and smile a lot more than  you used to.  This makes me happy!

You are talking up a storm!  You can now say "I love you", hungry, lunch (every meal is lunch!), "hold you" (means "pick me up!"), heavy (everything is heavy) and sooooo many more that I can't think of right now.

  • You LOVE to color and draw and write.  
  • You have started to hum and sing.  You even know a few words to Old McDonald and The Wheels on the Bus!
You are an absolute joy and we couldn't love you more!

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