Three months later...I am going to try and catch up again!
This fall season has been one for the books. Between football season, work, kindergarten and all of our "others" we have gone non-stop. We had two dear friends get married, took a trip to Washington DC, watched the Rebels lose to Memphis (still not over that one) and celebrated Halloween. We also celebrated all of the October birthdays and went to Nashville over Fall break! I am tired just typing it all!
I am totally not surprised at all, but Ellie has totally ROCKED Kindergarten! She gets up in the mornings fairly well and does her work each and every day like a champ. She truly enjoys her days, her work, her friends, and her teacher. She comes home full of stuff to tell us each day and continues to blow us away with all she observes and remembers. She is mine, but she is amazing. I just love this girl. She has exceeded my expectations in every aspect of her little life. Proud mom? Yeah, maybe. :)
One of of the many perks of our sweet little school...she and buddy Baker were picked to say the pledge one morning! I love how sweet these little friends are. I also love how my friends and husband are there to peek in on the fun moments throughout the day.
Football season has come to an end once again...and we survived! We missed 3 games this year which is more than I would have liked-- but due to strep, weather, and Aunt Jenny's wedding, it just happened. Miller was overall EXCELLENT at the games this year. He is pretty much a momma's boy all the way and never ventured too far from me. Ellie ran wild with her friends and had a blast each week. Overall, this was the easiest football season I have had yet. Still not easy, but EASI-ER.
Our homecoming this year was awesome! We came away with a big WIN and had a huge tailgate party with tons of tents, tables, food and fun. Don was pumped to see the support and said all of the tents reminded him of the Grove in Oxford. It was a great night!
One of my most favorite family pictures to date. I love my family and our hard working Daddy/coach!
He stays so busy during the season but never misses a beat the minute he walks in the door. He handles all of the pressures and commitments like a champ and still manages to be a huge help to me with my schedule. Somehow we manage to make it all work!
I can't believe Ellie is in her 3rd year of "Little Spirits" cheer. They have cheered twice so far and she has done great. Cheer, dance, pageants are definitely her "forte". A girly girl for sure! She is even starting voice lessons this week. Another thing to add to our weekly schedule!
Peeps and DeDe gifted the kids tickets to Frozen on Ice for their birthdays. We had to wait until September to go but it was a great gift and something we really looked forward to. We all LOVED it. Also so glad we were able to visit with Granny and Grandon while we were in town!
Daddy turned 34! We cooked him his favorite meal, enjoyed a yummy DQ ice cream cake and he even was spoiled with a new pistol he was been wanting FOREVER. I think he had a pretty great birthday this year.
The annual Greenfield Fire Prevention Festival was another fun week. Ellie was able to take her first field trip uptown to the Fire House on a fire truck, tour the house and learn a lesson on fire safety. After their tour, they were given the rest of the day to play at the carnival, ride rides, and eat yummy treats. A big day for a little kindergartener! So glad I was able to be there with her.

And we can't leave little brother out...the fire trucks also visited Miss Penny's and they were able to ride as well. He came home with a bag full of treats and a fire hat. He had the BEST day. I know it seems I talk a lot about Ellie, but Miller is never far behind. In fact, he has made us just as proud with his new routine. He absolutely loves Miss Penny's house. He walks right in every morning, loves his friends, circle time and show and tell Fridays. I cannot express what a blessing Miss Penny has been to our family this year. I really struggled with mom guilt and him going full time, but it has been an easy transition for all of us. He still has "mommy days" at home with me every once in a while and loves to sit in my lap each afternoon. This angel boy melts my heart on a daily basis. He is pure joy!

Last Christmas, our Aunt Jenny got engaged! I thought surely she'd have an island destination wedding, but instead she went for a big bash in Jackson on October 10. The only issue with being the last of the friends to wed, is that all of your other friends have had multiple children, which turns into a MASSIVE wedding party. Jenny decided to have 5 flower girls and 5 ring hearers! Crazy. I of course think these two were the cutest and sweetest. They looked absolutely precious and did perfectly! It was a little tricky when I was in the wedding as well and Don had a game, but once again DeDe came to the rescue and helped out tremendously! The wedding was beautiful and these kiddos made us so proud.

Lucky for us, the week after the wedding was Fall break. I ended up having to work in Nashville so we decided to make a little trip out of it. We ate at some yummy places, visited the AG store for an ear piercing and hair do on Caroline, and visited the Adventure Science Museum. A fun little family getaway!
The following weekend was a very anticipated game...Memphis vs. Ole Miss! This was the kiddos first big college game. We tailgated with tons of friends and had great seats in the Ole Miss coach's family section. It was a terrible game for the Rebels but our multitudes of Memphis friends sure were happy! The kids had fun but we were all EXHAUSTED by the time we made it home that night.
The next day was one of my favorite church events of the year...our annual Fall Fest/ Hayride. We have the best food, a great hayride and tons of fall games and fun with our church family.
Halloween was great this year too! Miller has had an ongoing obsession with Peter Pan recently so it was a no-brainer for him to be Peter and E to be Tink. They were a hit everywhere they went! I was also able to help with Ellie's class party and attend her costume parade at school. We trick or treated at the bank, library, Trunk or Treat at church and went around town to see family and friends. Miller really got it this year which made it even more fun.
I ended up being able to attend the College Board conference in Washington DC this first of this month. So glad football was over in time for Don to go with me! It was so nice to getaway together and eat a few nice meals and see the sights. We loved our time together!
Lastly, Ellie was chosen at the Citizen of the 6 weeks for her class. I've already gushed over her enough...but just one more reason she makes up so proud!
Whew, I think that about covers most of we are gearing up for our busy holiday season. It just never ends around here, but I guess we wouldn't have it any other way. I hope to update again soon!