We all got a big surprise this past Friday afternoon. I got a text from Brooke saying her water had broken at school and she was at the hospital! I couldn't believe my eyes! We weren't expecting Ali to be here for a few more weeks, but she had other ideas. Aaron, Brooke's husband, was working in Texas so he rushed home to be there for the delivery. I decided I couldn't stand it and I wanted to be there to see Brooke and Ali, so I packed up our stuff and we rushed back to Memphis (for the 25th time this week!). Since we were already in town and I was going to have to bring Ellie back Saturday afternoon, we all decided it made sense to save a trip and leave Ellie with my parents on Friday night as well. At 6:11 pm (I think!) Ali arrived and is healthy and beautiful and weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz. I am so glad Ellie has a new friend that is here. I can't wait to see our little girls play together!

It was hard leaving our sweet baby for 2 nights, but Don and I got lots of rest and we were refreshed and ready to go when we went to pick her up Sunday afternoon. Saturday morning was LU's annual Blue and White game so I went to that and then met Leigh and Jenny for mani/pedi's! It was sooo nice to hang out with them and enjoy a little pampering for myself. Saturday night we went to the 3rd Annual Yates Foundation Gala for Autism Research and had a blast! It was a Mommy's night out for my friend Kim and I, and we took full advantage. Of course all we did was talk about our babies all night but it was still nice to dress up and have a fun night with our husbands.
Kim and I...Mommies night out!

Don and Cole had a good time spending their "Jenny Bucks"

Wes was sad he was out of "Jenny Bucks"!

Sunday after we picked Ellie up from Memphis, we all took a nap and pretty much had a lazy day. It was nice to have Don home since he has been soooo busy with Spring ball lately. We love it when Daddy is home ALL day with us! I have a couple of appointments this week which means Lil Bit will be once again going to Memphis to spend the night. I hate shuffling her back and forth so much, but I won't have to do that but just a couple more times before the end of the school year.
We are so ready for summer at our house! I am just dying to start dressing Ellie in all of her cute summer clothes, and we are getting really excited about our beach trip coming up in the end of May! I couldn't resist and picked up this little swimsuit for $10 at Childrens Place...

I can't wait to see her in her little swimsuits and cover ups!! We are also hoping to make a weekend trip to St. Louis to catch a Cardinals game. I just love Summer!!!
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