I only have time for a quick post (since I am back to work now and all) but I didn't want to slack on my weekly pictures and posts. Yesterday Ellie was 10 weeks old! She is officially in double digits. I seriously love her more every second of every day. That sweet smile can brighten any gloomy day! She has brought our entire family so much joy. We love you sweet girl!!!
Oh and she also had her first date on her 10 week birthday. I guess she was a boring date because her man slept straight through it!

I took 2 different 10 week pics yesterday, so I have posted both of them. I can't believe how much she has grown when you look at her 1 week picture! The pink tutu is from Mama Penny. I thought yesterday was a good day to try it on! She was none too thrilled with the itchy material at first, but she soon warmed up to it. 

Love the tutu! Such a sweet picture!