We have had a good day. I am getting some appointments scheduled and planning out the rest of the school year while Ellie has been doing the norm. Eating, sleeping, pooping and spitting up! I am afraid I have a reflux baby on my hands and Dr. Amy even switched her formula to the Enfamil AR hoping it would help. Too bad I really don't think it does! I am yet again covered in spit up. I know she can't help it poor thing, but I will not be sad when the days of spit up are gone. I know Don can hardly resist me when he walks in the door every night and I am in my usual t-shirt and sweats and each shoulder is covered in a lovely milky white mess! Just to prove I am not making this up, here is my attempt at taking a picture of t-shirt #2 for me and outfit #2 for Ellie, both of us yet again covered!
Running down her arm...yum yum!

But seriously, how could I possibly be mad at this face??? I could just eat her up!
I guess we will just be putting a permanent bib on her until this phase of her little life is over. Good thing she has about 30 different ones to choose from (no lie, I promise!)

On a slightly less messy note, Ellie's first Dolly Parton Imagination Library book came in last week! This is such and awesome program and I am looking forward to receiving these books. I try to read to her every day and she just loves it! I would hate to be a fly on the wall and have to listen to my obnoxious high pitched voice as I read...but she seems to love it. I hope she is smart and will find a love for reading. I didn't read much growing up but when I did, I always finished a book in a day or 2 and always wondered why I didn't do it more often. I do love reading baby books and blogs, however!

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