Tuesday, April 27, 2010
13 week old Reflux Baby

Monday, April 26, 2010
Dinner Dates

She even made one for baby Ali! I was able to stop by and see them again on Sunday and give it to Brooke. It was nice seeing them again:)
Saturday we braved all of the crazy weather and had a nice relaxing day at home. Daddy was home all day with us (which is a big deal around here:) so we decided to put the Exersaucer together. Ellie is still a little too small for it, but I bet in another month or 2, she will be all over the place in that thing! Saturday night we ate with Leigh and Cole (and baby Will!) and had a great time as usual. Cole grilled everything under the sun and we left STUFFED! Ellie had another pretty bad spit up episode while we were there so I called the Pediatrician this morning and just waiting to hear back. Poor baby I just feel so bad when that happens:(
Sunday morning we went to church and then I headed to Memphis for Rachel's first wedding shower! I can't believe my little brother is getting married. It just doesn't seem real! She got lots of great stuff and everything was so nice. I had to rush back to Jackson after the shower for ANOTHER dinner date! We met Karen, Matti, Stacy, Ally, Keely, Mark, Velvet and Macy for dinner at Asahi for Matti's 10th birthday! I cannot believe she is 10! Matti and Ally were the flower girls in our wedding and they are so sweet.
They are just growing up toooooo fast:( We had a great time visiting with all of them and once again ate too much.
I told our friends that we owe all of them dinner at our house next. I am thinking maybe a summertime Shrimp Boil??? I thought that sounded fun for this summer. Too bad all of these fun dinner dates aren't helping with this baby weight. We leave for the beach in a month...I've got to do something!
We once again had a great weekend. This weekend is Cathy's wedding! It is going to be a blast I just know.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
12 weeks...still spitting up :(

- She is wearing size 1 diapers
- Taking 5 oz bottles every 3 hours during the day
- Sleeping GREAT at night! I put her down around 9:30 after she eats and she sleeps until around 6 am
- She has become quite the traveler! She does great in the car. I hope this 9 hour ride to the beach doesn't change that:)
- She is still wearing some 0-3 clothes, some 3 month stuff and even fitting into a few 6 month outfits...growing girl!
- Her hair is really growing. Just a little bit more and I can quit using the stick on bows and headbands. I am ready to use all the REAL bows she has:)

We are going to visit Brooke and Ali again tomorrow night. I can't wait to see them again!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Bibs, burps, and books

On a slightly less messy note, Ellie's first Dolly Parton Imagination Library book came in last week! This is such and awesome program and I am looking forward to receiving these books. I try to read to her every day and she just loves it! I would hate to be a fly on the wall and have to listen to my obnoxious high pitched voice as I read...but she seems to love it. I hope she is smart and will find a love for reading. I didn't read much growing up but when I did, I always finished a book in a day or 2 and always wondered why I didn't do it more often. I do love reading baby books and blogs, however!


Don and Cole had a good time spending their "Jenny Bucks"
Sunday after we picked Ellie up from Memphis, we all took a nap and pretty much had a lazy day. It was nice to have Don home since he has been soooo busy with Spring ball lately. We love it when Daddy is home ALL day with us! I have a couple of appointments this week which means Lil Bit will be once again going to Memphis to spend the night. I hate shuffling her back and forth so much, but I won't have to do that but just a couple more times before the end of the school year.
We are so ready for summer at our house! I am just dying to start dressing Ellie in all of her cute summer clothes, and we are getting really excited about our beach trip coming up in the end of May! I couldn't resist and picked up this little swimsuit for $10 at Childrens Place...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Road Warrior
Matti and Ellie waiting on Knox
Daddy and Knox. Is he not the cutest thing??
Welcome home Knox!!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Baby Stuff

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
10 Weeks

Monday, April 5, 2010
It's back to work I go...

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday