Friday I worked my tail off getting ready for a last minute yard sale. I wasn't trying to make a ton of money, I've just felt so overwhelmed and tired of "stuff" being in every corner of this house that I had to do something about it. I remembered about mid-morning that our office was closed for Veterans Day so it worked out quite well.
Friday night we went to dinner with Mammie, BB and "Eck". We enjoyed our time with them and Ellie did very well. I honestly cannot remember the last time we took her out to dinner after 7 pm. Most of the time it's just not worth it. She really surprised us! We also had lots of help which made a big difference:)
Saturday morning we were up bright and early for the big sale! Ellie of course slept later than she had all week while we were up and going way earlier than we wanted to be. Isn't that the way it always goes?
She was the perfect little assistant and just played away and charmed all of our "customers".
We ended up getting rid of my old laptop, Don's old Playstation, our Rock Band game, tons of PS2 games, DVDS, a few small baby items, a couple of toys and some home decor items that I've had since college. It feels good to purge although I don't feel like our house looks much different!
After the sale and a Goodwill drop off, I went to get a pedi while Don and Ellie napped. It was long overdue and felt so nice to get out and just SIT for a few minutes.
After naps, we went to see SANTA! Yes, I am eating my words from my last post:) I realize it isn't even Thanksgiving and I was talking about all of you people jumping the gun on the holidays, but our photographer was doing portraits this weekend only so we just had to be there! Once again, thank you yard sale!
As far as the pictures go, let me just say this much...Ellie was hugging, kissing and talking to Santa as long as one of us were holding her. The minute we let go of her to sit on his lap, she LOST IT. I felt a little guilty putting her through such torture but it's all about the memories, right? I can't wait to pick up the pictures next week. Should be interesting!
We joined Leigh, Cole, Bubba and Aunt Jenny for some yummy ribs and chicken Saturday night and kept the wild 2 year olds in the nursery this morning. We ended our Sunday with an afternoon drive and a Kroger run. Exciting times, I know!
I honestly love weekends like this. I enjoy staying busy, feeling productive, and being with my two favorite people on the planet. Ready to tackle another week!
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