Well, I take that back. I look forward to weekends when we have fun things planned or things to do or when Don is off of work. In the past, our fall (I know, it's August...but our "fall" is here) our weekends didn't really exist. Football is king in our house during these months and that means that we are usually preparing for, watching, and resting up from games for the entire weekend. Don't get me wrong. I love cheering on Don's teams and I get WAY more into football than I ever thought I would. It's fun to watch! I just never had a clue how time consuming being a coach was (or a coach's wife, for that matter. There are support groups on Facebook!) until I married one.
NOT anymore! Football is king on Friday nights and then it's over for 2 days! I cannot tell you what a difference this has already made for us. We can actually make plans, Don can attend things that he has always missed out on before, and we can have family days on Saturday or Sunday that we have NEVER had the chance to have before. Can you tell how happy this makes me?
Tonight is the Jamboree for our local teams. We won't be attending because JCM doesn't play until 4th quarter at 8:45 (and it's 40 minutes away), but we will be cheering Daddy on from home! We don't have much else on the agenda except for visiting both sides of our families this weekend. We are headed north tomorrow to have Ellie's pictures made in the sunflowers and Sunday we are going to Memphis for a wedding tea and a little zoo trip!
I loved looking back at these football pictures from last year. Ellie was so little! I am now on the hunt for some green and gold for her to sport at the next game, although the thought of taking her to a night game exhausts me already!
TGIF and GO Cougars!!!
It looks like you are such a sweet happy family:) We probably also will be going to a few Friday night games and IM also a little scared to take Morgan. Hopefully our little girls will survive it:)