Knox, or ("Knot" as Ellie calls him) and Ellie are at such a fun age and I am so glad we were able to spend the day with the Liggett's last weekend! We met them in Alamo at the Safari Park and spent a few hours feeding and looking at all of the animals.
The looks on their faces were priceless. Ellie kept saying "I see, I see" as she hung her head out the car window.
Knox would crack me up as he said "howdy partner" (in his best southern accent) to every animal that passed by.
I think their favorite parts were feeding the animals. I think it was our least favorite part when the bull and buffalo tried to attack our car!
Just when I think she's starting to look like me...I look at her next to her Daddy!
Ellie looked like this before we got back to the highway. She had a BIG day with her buddy Knot!
Bless Knox. I'm glad to see on Tori's blog that he was not scared of the goats after watching Claude haul our two off to our car. They were squealing like crazy and poor Knox looked completely traumatized. I was afraid he would have a permanent complex about goats, but it looks like he recovered just fine.