This weekend in Greenfield our friends threw us a "Sip and See" for baby Ellie. It was so much fun! Don's best friend Rusty held it at his house, and his sweet girlfriend Alyse hosted. We had lots of yummy brunch food and tons of people came to by to "sip" on punch and "see" Ellie! Ellie did great! Lots of people got to hold her, and we put her in her moses basket so she could rest and stretch. I have a few pics on my camera I will try to put up soon.
After the sip and see we we to the Greenfield Miss Princess pageant to watch cousin Matti compete. We were so proud of her because she won queen! She looked beautiful as always, and Ellie LOVED going to her first pageant. Way to go Matti!

love to practice making baby's with Matti