Today Ellie is 9 weeks old! She was officially 2 months old on Friday. Where does the time go? In one way I feel like she has been here forever, but when I think about her being 2 months old, it just doesn't seem possible. Since she is officially 2 months old, it's time to head back to the Children's Clinic. We haven't been since 2 weeks, so I am anxious to see how much she has grown. Along with the 2 month check up comes the first round of immunizations. I will admit the controversy with vaccines has crossed my mind, but on the other hand the risk of her getting and giving any of those nasty things is much greater than autism or anything else. She received the Hepatitis B vaccine before she was discharged from the NICU, so we have already gotten a head start. I am a little worried about watching her receive the shots, but I still don't think anything could be worse than seeing her with IV's in her head and little hands or watching them draw blood from her tiny feet. That was NO FUN!

Tonight we have plans to eat at Chili's with all of the coach's wives. Two of them are getting ready to move so now I am pretty much the only one left and that makes me very sad. I am really enjoying getting to know the newe ones as well but it's just strange to think that now we are the ones that have been around the longest!
Her appointment is at 1:30 so please think of BOTH of us! I hope she does ok and gets a good report, and I hope I don't totally lose it when they give the shots! I will give an update later this week on all of her stats.
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