As soon as the last guest left the sip and see, I had to get ready for another party! My college friend Cathy is getting married on May 1st and I helped host a wedding shower for her Saturday night. Jenny was in charge of decor and did a great job! Kandice and everyone else that helped with food went all out...we had TONS of food and it was all delicious. My picture is a little blurry, but you get the idea of the table. It was kind of a wine theme. We also had cute little favors for everyone. It was great to see some old friends and catch up, but I couldn't wait to get home to my sweet girl!Sunday morning, Ellie and I played hookie from church and hung out in our pj's until it was time for me to get ready for my last party of the weekend...a Baby Shower for Brooke and baby Ali! I am so mad because we didn't take a picture, but here is one of us at my baby shower back in November. Brooke got tons of cute stuff for Ali, they should be set! Baby Ali will be here before we know it!
My lifelong friend Emily Hefner came to visit yesterday. We went and ate sushi for lunch and drove around town because Emily is moving to Jackson! She is a speech pathologist and has taken a position at a nursing home in Humblodt. The position is a 3 month temporary job, so we drove around looking at apartments and such. Last night we ate Enchilada casserole and watched a little TV and caught up a little. Em got lots of time in with Ellie and was able to feed and snuggle with her. It was a short visit, but she will soon get to hang out whenever she wants!
It's not all about me anymore, and I am A-OK with that!
Lastly, I would totally recommend a Swaddle Me blanket. We wrap Ellie up tight in this every night and she really seems to like it. She is growing so much that I am afraid we may not get to use it too much longer, but it's great! The velcro makes it so easy.
Well, I think that's it for now. As soon as we get to break out the Bumbo, high chair, exersaucer and other toys, I'll let you know what we think! I have spent way too much time on this post as it is!
After our Saturday drive, we ran into Bed Bath and Beyond and Spoil Me Rotten to do a little more shopping. It was soon feeding time so we went home to feed little bit and get some rest. Saturday night, we rented a movie and decided to just try and see if Ellie would sleep in her crib. After I fed her at 9:30, I swaddled her up tight, turned on her sound machine, and she was OUT! She did great. We were amazed. We love our video monitor and just laid in bed and stared at the screen. We probably watched her on the monitor more than we watched the movie! On Sunday, Don's grandmother came to visit so we went to lunch with her then came home to relax. Sunday night, Leigh and Cole had us over for a cookout and Ellie did pretty good! She started to fuss a little bit so we went home soon after dinner and put her to bed. Wow how times have changed! She had a big weekend and was pretty worn out and slept great in her crib again last night. Today my mom and Granny came to visit. We went to lunch at Dumplins and ran in Hobby Lobby to buy ribbon to make her some hair bows. They had a great time feeding, rocking, changing and loving on her. It was a great girls day!
Daddy is off ALL week for Spring Break so he played golf today. When he got home, we decided to take advantage of the pretty weather and break out the stroller for a family walk...Minnie included! We chatted with a few of our neighbors and saw lots of young families out walking their babies. What a great night to take a stroll! I definitely see lots of these walks in our future! So all in all, Ellie has had lots of firsts. She's been out to eat, gone to a cookout, gone on a walk, and done a little shopping! We are still going to be cautious about getting her out too much, but with this beautiful weather, who wants to sit inside???