I know I said I was trying not to dwell on why or how all of this happened, but I do want to let you all know about our
NICU experience. Hopefully I can sit here and type without sobbing! We are new parents who were thrown into this situation pretty clueless. Never did we imagine that when Ellie was born she would be rushed to the NICU and we wouldn't be able to hold her and show her off to friends and family after the birth. Luckily, the nurses in the
NICU have been amazing. We have been able to change diapers, bathe her, and I even brought over some of her own clothes so she can look extra cute (which is so important to this mama)!! They have really helped us adjust to having a newborn. Looking back at that first night, everything was such a blur. I don't think we really realized what was to come or how sick our little baby was. Thank goodness she has improved each day and it's amazing to see how much she has changed! She has gone from barely taking a bottle to being Miss Piggy and sucking them down. I told her we like to eat in our house so she better get with the program, and it didn't take her long to get the hang of it! I was so sad to leave the hospital without her. I had always envisioned Don pushing me in a wheelchair while I held her in my lap, surrounded by balloons and flowers and taking pictures in the car for our drive home. That didn't happen last week, but it will happen tomorrow! I think all of the waiting to bring her home will make that moment even sweeter now. I am thankful to be bringing a healthy baby home, even if it is a week later. I am thankful for the doctors and nurses who have taken such good care of her. I am thankful for the sleep and rest I have been able to get before she comes home. Most of all, I am thankful for our sweet baby girl!!!

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