So I told you I was going to try and be good about keeping this blog updated, and I have already been slacking! I will admit that my computer time is MUCH more limited with a 4 week old, but she is a great baby and takes good naps during the day. I should be more resourceful with my time and do laundry or dishes, but today we have been camped out in the bed watching Food Network and playing on the computer. Really, when I say we, I mean me! Those 3 hours in between feeding time sure do fly by. And her little internal clock (or tummy) knows when those 3 hours are up! She eats during the day every 3 hours like clock work. At nights I have been feeding around midnight and she has been sleeping until around 4:30 am! Whoo hoo! That means I have been getting 4 1/2 straight hours of sleep! A month ago I would have NEVER thought I would be that excited about only 4 hours of sleep. But now, 4 short weeks later...I can't even remember what life was like before she was here. Now after our 4am feeding, she has been going back to sleep until around 8:30. So you know what that means...4 more hours of sleep for Mommy! Poor Don has to be at work at 5 am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, so I have spared him his usual 4 am feeding and I have taken over so he could get 1 more hour of sleep.

I know I bragged on him a little bit in an earlier post, but I really can't say enough about how amazing he has been. I won't say I was surprised at how well he has done because I always knew he would be a great Daddy, but I just appreciate the help so much and love seeing him talk sweet to her and change her clothes and feed her. It is just the sweetest thing ever. Who knew a big football coach could be such a softie. I guess that's what having a baby girl will do to ya! He walks in the door after work every night and goes straight up to her and says "Hello Beautiful". Talk about melt your heart! In 5 1/2 years I never got that!! But that's ok. He adores her (and me still, I hope!) and that's all that really matters. She's defintiely going to be a Daddy's girl! We are adjusting well and love Ellie more and more every second. Being a mommy is so much fun. Exhausting and busy, but so much fun.
Oh I think I hear Lil Bit waking up...must be feeding time again!
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