Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Fun

Halloween was tons of fun this year!  Ellie totally got into trick or treating and was amazed at how fast her bucket was filled.  She was set on being a "beautiful pink fairy" and that is exactly what she was!

The festivities started out with Elam's THIRD annual Halloween party.  As usual everything was lots of fun and really cute.  Kim made everything from "candy corn pizza" to a "petrified pumpkin" cheese ball to snack on.  The kiddos did crafts and played and ran wild.  Thanks, Murphy's!

Baby Henry even made an appearance this year.  Is it just me or is he not the cutest baby ever??

Ellie and Brooke

Crafting their puppets

Family shot.  Doesn't Ellie look thrilled?  Ha!

 Oh, how we miss our Aunt Jenny!

Last night was filled with lots of stops and 3 different Trunk or Treats.  Before we could head out, we had to finally carve our pumpkin!

 Our first stop was at Maw Maw's house. She made cupcakes!

Our next stop was at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's for some trick or treating and to their neighbors, the Pope's. They were making fresh kettle corn, cotton candy and apple cider.  My kind of Halloween treats!

Ellie's love for popcorn is pretty hilarious.  She's just like her Daddy, DeDe and Grandon.  She could eat it every night f we would let her.

We ran into lots of cousins!  Keely was a scary monster but Ellie had nothing to do with her while she had on her mask.  Keely was so sweet to leave it off as long as Ellie was around:)

 Next, we walked across the street to the Methodist and Presbyterian churches to Trunk or Treat.  Ellie's bucket was full in no time!

 Sweet and pretty girls in pink!  I just love this picture.

  Next, we went out to Bethel for their big fall festival.  Ellie had her face painted...

Did the cake walk about 300 times...

Jumped to her hearts content in the bouncy houses...

 And even painted a pumpkin!

Our last stop was Frosty and Leese's house for MORE treats.  Knox the pirate pulled up at the same time!

We had a busy, fun filled night.  Ellie was bathed and OUT by 8:45.  I'd call that a Halloween miracle in our house!

That was major picture overload but I just couldn't leave any out!

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