Trying to capture anything decent from this busy little bee is next to impossible. She was all over the place and we were sweating after it was all said and done!
I am sure we will still make a trip to the Pumpkin Patch but I decided last minute to check out the pumpkin displays that the UT Ag Center does every year. Apparently there is a "pumpkin shortage" so the display was smaller than usual, but it was still very impressive!
There are "DO NOT TOUCH" signs everywhere. We broke the rules. Uh oh!
While we were out that way, Don decided to keep driving and we ended up at Cypress Grove Park. I had no idea this place even existed! I was pretty hesitant to go hiking in jeans and ballet flats, but we decided what the heck and went anyway. I am SO glad we did! Who knew there were bald eagles, owls, trails, and a lake back there?!
Ellie loved it and we were all worn out by the time we got home. In my opinion, that means it was a good day!
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