After I got home from work yesterday, I needed to do a little grocery run. This child can spot a balloon in the floral department from the parking lot. I did not buy it, but it sure did make my shopping trip more pleasant!
I woke up this morning thinking E had given me her bronchitis/sinus junk. She is constantly grabbing my glass and eating after me so we have swapped germs back and forth all week long. I decided to push through and get out of the house today since it was so pretty. We ran a few errands and I stopped at my new favorite store...Essex Bargain Hunt. If you are familiar with Big Lots, it is similar but SO much better. They sell name brand everything cheap cheap cheap! (Britax car seats, Peg-Perego strollers, diapers, TV's, toys, home stuff etc...). I had been eyeing those Baby Stella dolls on Amazon and around town but couldn't justify spending $35 on ANOTHER baby doll. They are pretty popular and super cute, but it just seemed silly.
Good news, Essex had one today for $13.99! I snatched that baby up! I was tempted to put it back on the shelf when E started acting TERRIBLE in the store with her screaming, kicking, tears and sweat. She did not deserve a new baby doll by the way she acted, but I could not pass up that deal!
Needless to say, all was well with the world when we got to the car and I took Stella out of the box. This girl LOVES her babies!
After a nap (for both of us!) we cooked dinner for Daddy and took it up to him at work. It gave us something to do and it was a nice distraction for him.
When we got home, we watered the flowers, ate our dinner and did the whole bedtime routine.
I love simple days like this with my sweet girl, but we sure do miss Daddy! Hurry up June 30!
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