In January 2010, we had a baby.
Thank goodness for a fairly calm and uneventful January 2011! (We hope!)
This was the most exciting, tiring, stressful, busy, emotional, joyous year of my life.
Why, you say? Because of this sweet little girl right here!
I was HUGE!!! I walked (or waddled) around Wal-Mart almost everyday beginning mid-January trying to go into labor, but she came in her own time...4 days late!
And boy did she make a grand debut! Coming out a little gray and with what we thought was just meconium aspiration syndrome...we lived in the NICU for a solid week after her arrival.
I still cry every time I look at this picture! This is right before they took her to the NICU, just a few minutes old. 5:26 p.m. 8 lbs. 4.5 oz
Can we say beautiful, wonderful, supportive friends...and POOR mommy! I looked rough, they all look great!
I love this one too. We just stared and cried! (or I cried, he stared!)
The biggest baby in the NICU! And she was ours!
The next morning, NO oxygen!
Celebrated our 1st anniversary!
Out to dinner with a very hormonal, emotional wife!
February 2, 2010 we brought our sweet baby girl home! She wore the same Feltman Bros. dress that I wore home from the hospital almost exactly 27 years to the day earlier.
Could our smiles get any bigger? (or maybe it was just my swollen face)
Had LOTS of visitors and adjusted to life at home with a new baby...
April I went back to work and we celebrated our first Easter as a family of 3!
We went on our first family vacation to Florida in May!
I was in 3 weddings! Thanks guys, thanks:)
Most Rockin' Wedding...Uncle Matt and Aunt Rachel!
Cousin Megs!
Survived another football season

Had lots of Fall fun!
Dedicated our sweet girl at church...
First Turkey day!
Was spoiled rotten at Christmas...
Welcomed so many new friends in to the world! 2010 was the year for babies!!
These are just a few highlights...there were many hard days, long nights and ups and downs, but I am of course only going to pinpoint the positives! I wouldn't trade any of those hard times for all of the fun memories we have made in this last year.
Don and I have set a few goals for ourselves, not really resolutions. Things we need to work on or improve on, and things we know we need take care of. Hopefully we will hold each other accountable and make some progress. I cannot wait to see what 2011 has in store for our family!
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