I know I have already posted once today, but I keep thinking of things I want to write about! I really thought it would be the other way around since I don't consider our life to be that interesting, but I guess that's the beauty of a blog. I know I enjoy reading every blog I have come across.
So I know I mentioned in my previous post about us putting in a new fence, and boy do we need it! I let Minnie out earlier this afternoon, and I go off and start doing somethig around the house. Usually I let her out, she does her thing, chases a squirrel or two, then comes scratching at the door for me to let her back inside. After what seemed to be too long for her to be outside, I went to the back door to look for her. I did not see her and she did not come running when I yelled "Minnie, want a treat?" Normally if I am in a hurry in the morning or need to go somewhere, that's the trick that gets her back inside quickly. So, I did what I always do when I freak out, called Don. He is still at work but said he would be there to look for her as soon as he could. Luckily he only works about 4 minutes away so I was relieved. As soon as we hung up I put my shoes on and went outside through the front door to look for her. The minute I yelled her name, here she comes running at me and so happy to see me! I felt like Jason and Ty on the Bachelor! I felt so elated to see her and we hugged and I teared up! (I NEVER thought I would be this way about a dog). The minute I found her, Don pulled up coming from the other direction with his head out the window yelling for her. I was proud of myself for finding her on my own, but boy do we need a new fence! Our backyard backs up to a busy street and I freak out about her getting out again and getting hit by a car. I took her in almost 3 years ago as a stray...I don't intend on her becoming a stray again! Bring on the new fence!
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