We have had a busy weekend. We are all exhausted!
Even though Don is right in the middle of his busiest time of year, we still managed to get away this weekend for a little fun and some family visits. Our trips to Bartlett always go by so fast and we never seem to have enough time to visit, but either way it's nice to see everyone and spend time as a family.
Before we left Saturday morning, Ellie started a little Toddler Time gymnastics class. We told her about it earlier in the week and it was all she would talk about. "I'm going to "banastics!" "Momma, let's go to banastics". "I want to be like Gabby and do flips at banastics". We ended up being about 15 minutes late for the 45 minute class but Ellie didn't know the difference and she had a ball. It was more like an open gym type setting but she loved jumping on the trampoline and the hula hoops the most. I am glad we found a little activity for her to be involved in for a few weeks.

After "banastics", we hit the road and headed to Memphis! We thought since it was so pretty and we weren't sure when we would make it back, to go for a quick little zoo trip. We were shocked when E decided she actually wanted to ride the camel this time! It took a little convincing, but she smiled a huge grin the entire ride and seemed to be in heaven. I am glad this is something she and her Daddy could do together. I love these two so much!!
What made our zoo trip even more fun was that our good buddy Knox and his parents were there too! We always have fun wherever we go with them. Just wish we could have stayed longer!
DeDe and Peeps grilled steaks for everyone after our zoo trip. It was yummy and Ellie loved all of the attention from Matt, Rachel, Granny and Grandon.
After dinner, things got interesting. Poor DeDe has always had a bad back so we have all pretty much gotten used to her having aches and pains...especially after she's been in the kitchen all day. But if you know my mom, you know she doesn't complain much or make a big deal out of any illness or pain. So we all got a little alarmed when she was doubled over in pain, nauseous, and practically in tears because of this horrible back and leg pain. After she asked me to Google "kidney stones" and her symptoms matched EXACTLY to Web MD, we know something was up. It was awful feeling so helpless and seeing her in so much pain.
So long story short...we finally talked her into going to the ER. Five hours, an IV, a cat scan, some major pain meds and 5 prescriptions later, she's home and a little bit better. Let me just tell you...kidney stones are no joke! FEEL BETTER SOON DEDE!!! We don't know how to act when you are the sick one!
That 3 am ER trip is catching up to me so I am hoping E sleeps well tonight. We are working on "Operation Big Girl Bed" along with Don's first real game and a million work events and meetings for both of us this week. I'll try to update again soon on some projects we've got going on!