We had a big weekend planned. Friday night, Cathy was in town and wanted to get everyone together for dinner. Friday was also the day that Aunt Jenny defended her paper for her PhD. They rang the bell, called her Dr. Hayes and congratulated her! She's now a doctor! We all got together for dinner at Flat Iron and had a blast.
Love these girls so much!
I never need much of an excuse to order a strawberry cake from Dumplins!
So proud of you Jenny!
Saturday morning, we had tickets to Sesame Street Live! Peeps and DeDe gave Ellie tickets for her birthday, (great gift!) and the day had finally arrived! We left bright and early Saturday morning for our big day. I had heard that John, Tori and Knox were planning on coming to Memphis Saturday too, so I talked to Tori and they ended up buying Elmo tickets too! So fun!
I decided last minute to leave my big camera in the car so these are all off of my phone. According to Tori, it's a good thing I did!
This hand shake from Cookie Monster was the highlight of the show! Our seats were on the floor so the characters were constantly running up and down the aisles. Ellie also got a head pat from Abby and Ernie. It made her day!
The show was really cute and Ellie loved it. You never know how a tired 2 year old will behave at these things, but overall she did pretty well!
After a lunch stop with Peeps, it was time for the ZOO! Apparently everyone else in West Tennessee thought it was a good day to go, because the Zoo was indeed a ZOO!
This just makes me smile. Two very sweet Daddy's!
When the crowds thinned out we let Knox and Ellie out to walk. They held hands almost the whole time. When they looked at each other and smiled Tori and I just squeeled. It was too cute. I have a feeling these two and going to be big buddies!
We made it home pretty late and very tired. Even though we were dead tired, Sunday seemed like the perfect day to work in the yard. After church Don cleaned out all of flower beds, trimmed the shrubs, mulched and planted begonias. It looks so good!
While he was working, I managed to have a little spring photo shoot with Ellie and took over 200 pictures! They turned out really cute. I'll have to do a separate post!