We just got home from a wonderful week in Perdido Key! It was so nice to get away and spend time with great friends. We of course missed Don like crazy but he said was so busy that the time just flew by.
Ellie was almost perfect on the drive down. A new Barney DVD and plenty of snacks were our saving grace! She did however have a little trouble adjusting to our new surroundings and the pack-n-play, but overall I cannot complain one bit!
Aunt Jenny was a HUGE help. She jumped right in and carried bags, babies, pacis and sippie cups like a champ. I could not have done it without her. We also took a babysitter, Miss Kaitlyn. She was a lifesaver! She allowed us to go back out to the beach after baths and lunch and sat with E and Will while they napped. Genius! We also went to dinner one night and enjoyed a meal without scarfing it down and wrestling tired kiddos. We will definitely be doing that from now on:)
Ellie LOVED everything about the beach. The sand, the water, the waves, the sun...everything. She is definitely my little water baby!
We went on a dolphin cruise one night with Jenny and had a great time! Ellie loved looking and pointing to the dolphins. She was not a fan of the life jacket, however.
We gave Will a a john john for his birthday that matched a dress Ellie had so we could take their picture on the beach. That was easier said than done. I am hoping Leigh got a few better shots than I did.
The original plan was to take family pictures in something else other than the traditional white/khaki. We went ahead and took a few even though it makes me very sad Don isn't in any of them. I still think we got a few pretty cute shots!
We had a great time but it is nice to be home in our own beds. Back to life, back to reality!
**If any of you are wondering...every outfit Ellie is wearing in this post came from Facebook. I'm telling yall...it's the place to shop!