I am apoligizing now for the longest post ever!
I am exhausted! We have been going nonstop all weekend. Things started off Friday morning with my mom and grandmother driving to Jackson to pick up little Ellie. By Saturday morning, I was SO glad she was there and not here (I will explain why in a bit...).
Friday afternoon I attended Cathy's bridal luncheon because her wedding day was Saturday!

We had the rehearsal/dinner Friday night and had a great time. We even went out for a little bit after the rehearsal dinner and it was so much fun because lots of people were in town for the wedding.

After we went to bed Friday night, we woke up around 3:15 am to Tornado sirens and pouring rain. I turned on the TV and we watched the weather for a good hour and a half before we decided it was ok to go back to bed. Just a few hours later, we were woken up again to some strange man in a yellow rain jacket ringing our doorbell telling us we needed to evacuate our home IMMEDIATELY! Apparently a sinkhole had formed right next to our house and a gas line had burst. They were concerned because a utility pole was leaning over it and if it fell into the sinkhole it could cause a MAJOR explosion. SCARY!

Don immediately ran in and told me we needed to leave so we grabbed Minnie and hopped in the car without even brushing our teeth and just drove around town all morning. The flooding was unbelievable! I could not believe my eyes. We drove around our neighborhood again and by that time the smell of gas was so strong it made our throats burn and our heads spin. By this time all I could think of was that I was SO glad Ellie was safe and sound in Memphis. We came back home to check in and found that they had turned off our electricity. By this time it was around 10:15 am and I had to be dressed and ready for wedding pictures by 12:30...but we had NO power! So we called Leigh and Cole and they had power. They said we could get ready over there so I packed up all of my stuff and we ventured out to their neighborhood. That was interesting too! The back entrance into their neighborhood was completely underwater, so we had to find a different way in. Thank goodness we made it! So Leigh and I got ready for the wedding and the boys dropped us off at the church just in time for pictures.
Cathy (the bride) was such a trooper. She just rolled with the punches all day and was calm and collected. The reception was originally supposed to be in an awesome tent with lights and chandeliers, but by Saturday morning there was 4 inches of standing rain inside. So luckily the church allowed them to move the reception inside to the gym and it turned out great! We had so much fun and enjoyed our crazy day!

Saturday night I was so exhausted that I slept straight through MORE tornado sirens! Don said I was sleeping so hard he was afraid to wake me. We got up and met my parents at Exit 56 around noon on Sunday to pick up our sweet baby. On our way to the interstate, we ended up being the first to arrive at a horrible wreck. The SUV had completely flipped so Don ran out and tried to help. I ended up calling 911 and he eventually got the car door open to help one of the girls out of the car. He couldn't get the other lady out, but luckily the ambulance pulled up shortly after we got there. By this time my nerves were SHOT! I don't think I can take anymore drama for a long, long time!
We finally made it to Brownsville and picked up Ellie. I missed her SO much! I hate having to leave her all weekend, but she was in great hands and I was so glad she wasn't here breathing in all of that awful natural gas. By Sunday afternoon, our street looked like a tourist attraction! People were everywhere with their cameras and were just amazed by the sinkhole. We should have had a yardsale or charged admission! Leigh and Cole came by to look at it as well, so we ended up having dinner with them and coming home to finally relax. All in all, it was one of the craziest weekends ever!
Cathy, you were a beautiful bride and your wedding was so much fun! No one will ever forget your wedding day!